Yeastar Certified SIP Trunk Providers – Belgium

These Belgian SIP trunk providers have been tested and certified by Yeastar.


Intellinet is a licensed VoIP operator (ITSP) that offers geo-redundant SIP trunks with the highest uptime guaranty all over Europe. We have our own number range in Belgium and allow calling to emergency services. Our SIP Trunks come with an additional layer of security as the CDR’s are monitored in real-time 24/7 and based on our algorithms will protect the customer in case of fraud/hacks. Both Belgian and international DID numbers can be linked to our trunks and offline forwarding is supported when trunks get unregistered.

Product Provider Type Supported Codec Supported DTMF Supported Fax Type Support Document Tested Version
P-Series PBX System Register Based alaw, ulaw, G729 RFC2833, info, Inband Not Tested View