Resources Gallery

Migrate from TDM PBX
to IP PBX with Ease

Yeastar Migration Solution Brochure

Yeastar Migration Solution

Upgrade or co-exist, on-premise or cloud-based, Yeastar has your PBX needs covered!

Here is a collection of resources to help you:

Offer them a trade-in program with special discounts to accelerate decision making

Educate them about the advantages and features of IP PBX solutions

Overcome their objections and concerns about switching to IP PBX

Highlight customer stories and testimonials on successful transitions

Present Yeastar solution as the best option for their needs and budget

Offer them a trade-in program with special discounts to accelerate decision making


Explore how Yeastar PBX excels Panasonic and NEC PBX in terms of features, user experience, integration, deployment options, pricing, sales model, channel enablement, and more.

Yeastar vs. Panasonic

Yeastar vs. NEC

Ebooks & Guides


Find out the differences between TDM PBX and IP PBX to help you make an informed upgrade decision.

8 Signs to Upgrade

Having been using TDM PBX for years, you may not even realize the business risks it presents, especially for now.

Misconceptions Debunked

Is this the right time to upgrade? Your phone system still works but it might be hurting your business.

Migration Cost Analysis

Determining if the switch is financially viable and likely to provide significant long-term benefits.

ISDN & PSTN Switch-Off

Major carriers like AT&T, Verizon, BT Group, Deutsche Telekom, Telstra are phasing out ISDN and PSTN.

Success Stories

Municipality of Greater Amman saved $270,000 annually with Yeastar

By switching to Yeastar from Panasonic, NEC, and Avaya, GAM saved $270,000 annually on communications.

Insurance company CPA chose Yeastar over NEC and Avaya

One Yeastar P560 PBX and 3 Yeastar TA FXO Gateways were deployed to support advanced communications.

Italian Mercedes-Benz dealership preserves analog phones

Rossi migrates to VoIP, connects 7 branches, and takes their customer services to next level with Yeastar.

George Municipality replaced NEC Legacy PBX with Yeastar IP PBX

Yeastar P-Series PBX software helps the organization connect 1,500 workers and transition to remote work smoothly.

Pius Hospital de Valls moved from Panasonic to Yeastar

Pius Hospital streamlines its operations and improves security control with the Yeastar-Hikvision solution.

ZBM-TBS Zabrze Migrated from 30-year-old Panasonic PBX system

ZBM-TBS Zabrze chose Yeastar to enable mobile communications and improve service level.

Yeastar ensures elasticity and stability for Rodin Group Brokerage Firm

Rodin Group Brokerage Firm restores confidence in cloud-based communications with Yeastar.

Yeastar’s Solution: Everything You Need to Know

Meet on-premise deployment needs

Launch hosted PBX services quickly

Win enterprise-level opportunities

P-Series PBX System: PBX Plus More

See for yourself what the P-Series can do in a short 3-minute overview.

Yeastar at a Glance






Global Channels




Certified Professionals

TDM PBX Trade-in Program

Help your customers get rid of their old Panasonic, NEC, LG, and more TDM PBX systems and upgrade to Yeastar IP PBX solution at a discounted price.

Special discounts, custom quotes, and free trials

Choose the best-fit deployment option and model

Enjoy free onboarding, training, and support services

Sign Up Today

We will get in touch soon with the program details.