Episode 1: “After the summit, we shall drink!”

What will happen if 2 training professionals drink together off-work?

Jason and Ramon reconvene to discuss and brainstorm ideas related to their experiences — the Summit 2023, current challenges, and more insightful ideas about the VoIP business and UC solutions.

So, kick back, grab a beer, and let’s start a casual and free-flowing conversation!

Tune in to the episode here.

Key Dicussion Points

Yeastar Day 2023 Summit Recap 00:01:17.

How did the Summit go?

Our job in the summit/What did we do the whole day?

The underlying logic behind the Roadmap 00:07:43.

Why did we deliver such a specific speech?

Insights on the traditional box-moving business model.

Highlight the challenges and dilemmas we currently face.

Present two plans to find a new path forward.

New features & future expectations (Non-official) 00:19:15.

Why do modern companies need a call center?

Personal ideas about the digital channels: why connect them to the phone system? what will be the next supported platform?

Work smarter: what AI can do for the phone system?

Opinions on the business strategies (Non-official) 00:48:50.

Find a way out for the hardware PBX.

Find a new or right business model for Cloud PBX.

A casual chat about the breakout session 00:57:48

UC & C Huddle

Value Your Input!

If you’d like to be our next guest or have any topics in mind for future episodes, please tell us. We’re all ears.