Yeastar Workplace,Delivered.
Live Unboxing &
Features Explored
As hybrid work becomes more prevalent, employees are craving an elevated in-office experience. Did you know 40% of employees waste up to 30 minutes per day looking for a space to meet?
Our solution? An all-in-one solution incorporating cloud-based platforms, interactive digital signage, IoT smart sensors, and 3rd-party integration. A seamless experience for booking, check-in, auto-release, analytics, and management. This is Yeastar Workplace.
What You Will Learn
Common meeting room frustrations and how Yeastar Workplace can help.
What makes Yeastar Workplace different and where your opportunities lie.
A live unboxing of the complete suite of Yeastar Workplace.
How to create an on-site experience that encourages people to return.
What’s coming next on the roadmap (beyond just meeting room booking).