Esplorate la nostra gamma di PBX IP.
Trovate la soluzione perfetta.

Base Users / Max Users

Max Concurrent Calls

Max FXS Ports

Max FXO/BRI Ports

Max GSM/3G/4G Ports

Max E1/T1/J1 Ports

*Disponibilità soggetta alla politica di vendita regionale.

Base Users / Max Users

Max Concurrent Calls

Max FXS Ports

Max FXO/BRI Ports

Max GSM/3G/4G Ports

Max E1/T1/J1 Ports

Base Users / Max Users
100 / 200

Max Concurrent Calls
30 / 60

Max FXS Ports

Max FXO/BRI Ports

Max GSM/3G/4G Ports

Max E1/T1/J1 Ports

Base Users / Max Users
300 / 500

Max Concurrent Calls
60 /120

Max FXS Ports

Max FXO/BRI Ports

Max GSM/3G/4G Ports

Max E1/T1/J1 Ports

Voce, video, messaggi, esperienza del cliente,
in un unico centralino IP.


Linkus UC Clients

Voce, video, messaggi, esperienza del cliente, in un unico centralino IP.


Operator Panel

Ottieni visibilità in tempo reale sui flussi di chiamate. Invia chiamate con un semplice trascinamento della selezione.


Call center

Fornisci ad agenti e supervisori strumenti utili come IVR, pannello operatore, wallboard e altro ancora.


Lavoro a distanza

Lavora da qualsiasi luogo e resta connesso con l’accesso remoto sicuro.


Messaggistica omnicanale

Vai oltre la semplice voce. Coinvolgi i clienti attraverso la Live Chat e canali di messaggistica multipli.



Incontra faccia a faccia tramite audio e video HD.

Design modulare flessibile.
Scalabilità del centralino IP semplificata.

Le interfacce telefoniche sono completamente modulari e personalizzabili. Puoi utilizzare moduli di telefonia, schede di espansione e moduli DSP per aggiungere facilmente altre interfacce telefoniche e ampliare la capacità del sistema.

Telephony Modules

Moduli di telefonia


Modulo S2: 2 porte FXS per il collegamento di 2 telefoni analogici

Modulo O2: 2 porte FXO per il collegamento di 2 linee PSTN analogiche

Modulo SO: 1 porta FXS e 1 porta FXO per il fallback PSTN

Modulo B2: 2 porte NT/TE BRI

Modulo GSM/3G: 1 canale per le chiamate vocali GSM

Modulo 4G LET: Abilita i dati cellulari 4G sulla scheda SIM

Add Telephony Interfaces

Aggiungere interfacce di telefonia


Per aggiungere altre interfacce di telefonia devi utilizzare le schede di espansione.

EX08 dispone di 4 alloggiamenti integrati per moduli e di 8 interfacce sul pannello, mentre EX30 dispone di 1 porta E1/T1/PRI integrata.

P560 supporta una scheda di espansione, P570 ne consente due.


Aumentare la capacità del sistema


Con la crescita del business, è possibile aggiungere facilmente più modalità di utilizzo e chiamate simultanee per soddisfare le esigenze in crescita.

Ogni modulo DSP mette a disposizione 100 utenti VoIP supplementari e 30 chiamate simultanee; puoi aggiungere fino a 1 modulo DSP a P560 e fino a 2 moduli DSP a P570.

lexible Modular Design


La combinazione perfetta di affidabilità, flessibilità e sicurezza dell’IP PBX

Interfaccia utente intuitiva: facile da adottare, usare e gestire

Richiamo in coda, inversione chiamata, registrazione delle chiamate e altro ancora

Compatibilità testata con oltre 120 provider di servizi telefonici in tutto il mondo

Supporto all’autoprovisioning degli IP Phone per oltre 270 modelli

nteroperabilità senza soluzione di continuità con PSTN, ISDN, E1/T1/PRI e analogico

Hot standby: ridondanza del server dop/voip-gateways/pio con sincronizzazione dei dati in tempo reale

Misure di sicurezza a più livelli: autenticazione a due fattori, difesa automatica e statica, ecc.

Integrazioni di centralino IP robuste e già pronte

Integra il centralino IP Yeastar con strumenti di collaborazione, CRM, helpdesk e altro ancora e migliora la tua infrastruttura esistente. Goditi la flessibilità e le esperienze personalizzate offerte da un solido ecosistema di app.


Pronti a potenziare qualsiasi settore verticale


La soluzione completa per l’ospitalità progettata per aiutare ad automatizzare i flussi di lavoro, semplificare le operazioni e migliorare le esperienze degli ospiti.



Costruisci comunicazioni sicure e affidabili in scuole e campus. Riunisci studenti e docenti ovunque e in qualsiasi momento.


Assistenza sanitaria

Abilita la comunicazione istantanea tra medici, infermieri, amministratori e personale di supporto. Migliora l’esperienza del paziente con una risposta più rapida.



Sistema telefonico facile da usare, affidabile ed economico per le agenzie governative per aggiornare l’infrastruttura di comunicazione e aumentare la produttività.


Determina quale piano ti si addica meglio

Scopri il piano ideale per le tue esigenze aziendali, completato da un’ampia gamma di potenti funzionalità di centralino IP.

Standard Plan Enterprise Plan Ultimate Plan

Deployment Mode Appliance Appliance, Software,
Appliance, Software,

Included with the appliance

Telephony Features

Call Forwarding

Call Monitoring (Listen/Whisper/Barge-in)

Call Parking

Call Pickup

Call Transfer (Attended/Blind)

Call Waiting

Call Flip/Switch

IVR (Multi-level/Multi-lingual/Time-based)


Ring Group

Paging & Intercom

Conference Rooms

CDR & Basic Reports

Dial by Name


Caller ID

CID-based & DID-based Call Routing

DID (Direct Inward Dialing)

DND (Do Not Disturb)

DOD (Direct Outward Dialing)


Business Features

Call Recording

Call Allow/Block List

Call Disposition

BLF Support

Busy Camp-on

Business Hours & Holidays


Custom Prompts

Distinctive Ringtone

Music on Hold

MOH Playlist & Streaming

T.38 Fax

TAPI Driver

Fax to Email


Group Voicemail

Voicemail to Email

LDAP Server

PIN List

Speed Dial

Emergency Number

Emergency Notifications

SIP Forking

IP Phone Concurrent Registrations

CTI for Desk Phone Control

Function Keys


Administration & Security

Web-based Management Portal

Graphical Dashboard

Auto Provisioning

Bulk Import & Export

Extension Group & Organization

User Role & Permission

Operation Logs

Event Logs

Event Notifications

Backup and Restore


Built-in SMTP Server

AMI (Asterisk Manager Interface)

Network DriveOnly supported on the Appliance Edition

SNMP Support


Hot StandbyThis feature is only supported by the Appliance and Software Edition and it requires an additional PBX redundancy server to function. For more information, please contact us.


SRTP & TLS Call Encryption

Auto & Static Defense

Global Anti-hacking IP Blocklist


Password Policy Enforcement

Two-factor Authentication (2FA)

Allowed Country IP's & Codes

Outbound Call Frequency Restriction

Unified Communications

Linkus UC Clients

Linkus Web Client

Linkus Mobile Client (iOS & Android)

Linkus Desktop Client (Windows & MacOS)

Linkus Google Chrome Extension

Operator Panel

Unlimited Users

Dispatch Active Calls
(Redirect, Transfer, Hang up, Park, Monitor)

Monitor Call Status
(Inbound, Outbound, Extension, Parked Calls, etc.)

Unified Presence

Control Extension Presence


Custom Presence description

Personal & Company Contacts

Audio Conferencing

Voicemail Transcription

Call Pop-up URL

Door Phone Video Preview

Require additional subscription

Team Chat

1:1 or Group Chat with Colleagues

File & Image Sharing

Push Notification

Sync Across Linkus UC Clients

Remote Access Service Since the Cloud Edition is inherently accessible from anywhere, Remote Access Service is only for the Appliance & Software Edition

Custom PBX Domain Name (FQDN)

Remote & Secure PBX Web Portal Access

Linkus UC Clients Remote Connection

LDAP Server Remote Access

Remote SIP Service Since the Cloud Edition is inherently accessible from anywhere, Remote SIP Service is only for the Appliance & Software Edition.

Hassle-free Remote SIP Registration Register your remote IP phones, branch office PBXs, VoIP gateways, and alike remote SIP endpoints to the PBX easily as if they were deployed on your PBX's intranet.

WebRTC Trunk

No Port Portwarding & NAT Issues

Inbound Call Center

Call Center

Advanced Skill-based Routing & Queue Callback

Switchboard-type Queue Panel

Real-time Wallboard

SLA Monitoring & Threshold Notifications

Insightful Call Center Reports

Outbound Call Center *The Outbound Call Center is available as add-on for the Software Edition only.

Auto Dialers (Power, Progressive, Agentless)

Campaign Settings & Management

Custom Call Disposition Tags

Performance-tracking Campaign Wallboard

Agent-based Campaign Call Inbox

Scheduled Callback

Omnichannel Messaging

Unlimited SMS Trunks & WhatsApp Accounts Integration

Live Chat, SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook

Central Message Inbox

Automatic Contacts Matching

Message to Queue

Chat Assignment & Transfer

Elevate Chats to Calls in One Click

Message Detailed Records

Trunk SMS API for ITSP


PBX-native Contacts Management

Separate Permission Control Per Phonebook

CRM Contacts Synchronization

Call Accounting

Custom Rates Applied to Outbound Calls

Analysis Report on Telecom Expenses

Voicemail Annoucement

Call Notification for Group Voicemails

Listen to Messages & Call Back Directly over the Phone

Never Miss an Urgent Message

Ideal to Support Emergency After-hour Services

CRM Integration

Click to Call CRM Contacts

Incoming Call Popups

Auto Call Journal

Contacts Synchronization

Support for Hubspot, Zoho, Salesforce, Bitrix24, and Odoo

Helpdesk Integration

New Ticket Auto-creation

Click to Call Helpdesk Contacts

Incoming Call Popup

Auto Call Journal

Contacts Synchronization

Support for Zendesk and Zoho Desk

Database Contacts Sync

Support Microsoft SQL Integration

Real-time Caller Lookup: Caller ID to Caller Name

Contacts Synchronization to PBX

Auto-route Callers Based on Phonebook Matches

Microsoft 365 Integration

Microsoft Teams Integration

Outlook Integration

Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory)

User Sync & Single Sign-on (SSO)

Remote ArchivingFor P-Series Cloud Edition hosted by Yeastar, you will need an Ultimate Plan; lf you are hosting the P-Series Cloud Edition in your cloud, you will need an Enterprise Plan.

Archive Files to External Servers

Call Recordings Archival

System Backups Archival

Support FTP, SFTP, Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage

Remote ArchivingThe Remote Archiving feature requires Enterprise Plan for P-Series Appliance and Software Edition. For P-Series Cloud Edition hosted by Yeastar, you will need an Ultimate Plan; lf you are hosting the P-Series Cloud Edition in your cloud, you will need an Enterprise Plan.

Archive Files to External Servers

Call Recordings Archival

System Backups Archival

Support FTP, SFTP, Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage

Windows Active Directory Integration

User, Organization Unit, Group Synchronization

Auto Extension Assignment for New User

Single Sign-on (SSO)

Faster and Easier Administration

Video Conferencing

Bulk Email & Instant Link Invitation

HD Audio and Video

Screen Sharing

In-meeting Team Chat

Video Calls

Video Calls on Linkus Web Client

Video Calls on Linkus Desktop Client

Video Calls on Linkus Mobile Client

Linkus Client SDK

Integrate voice calling to any application easily

Web/Browser SDK

Mobile & Pad SDKs: Android, iOS

Desktop SDKs: Windows, MacOS

Feature-rich voice experience HD Calling, Call Control, Call Recording, Call History, Notifications, and more features

Rich, Programmable Code Samples and UI

Secure Authentication with Tokens

Faster and standarized development

Disaster Recovery The disaster recovery feature is supported on the Software Edtion only and requires an additional PBX redundancy server to function. For more information, please contact us.

Cross-region Active-standby Redundancy

Automatic Failure Detection & Fallback

Real-time Data Replication

Secure SD-WAN or VPN Remote Networking

Disaster Recovery The disaster recovery feature requires an additional PBX redundancy server to function. For more information, please contact us.

Cross-region Active-standby Redundancy

Automatic Failure Detection & Fallback

Real-time Data Replication

Secure SD-WAN or VPN Remote Networking

Hotel Management Module *The Hotel Module is available as add-on for the Appliance Edition. For Software and Cloud Edition, it's available with Enterprise Plan or higher. Optional

Seamless, Lightweight Hotel Management

Intuitive Front Desk Operation Panel

Wake-up Call Management

Room and Housekeeping Status

Guest Stay History

Call Accounting and Service Billing

Hotel Settings

Hotel PMS Integration *Not supported by the Cloud Edition and the P520 appliance model. Optional

Room Status Synchronization

Wake-up Call Scheduling

Call Accounting & Minibar Charging

Guest Information and Room Move

*Si prega di notare che il P520 non include il supporto per l’integrazione API e PMS.

Centralino IP per le PMI

250.000 centralini installati in oltre 120 Paesi

Contatta i nostri esperti di vendita e ottieni un preventivo gratuito